Because this blog was started late, this first post is a "catch up".
We purchased this property on Kane Hill Road in August 2008. I loved the area and the deal was too good to pass up. With an existing leach field and wells onsite, it seemed all set to build on (after we cleared the trees, that is). Boy were we in for some surprises.

We spent the rest of the summer and fall clearing the land. We sold as much timber as we could. It wasn't the right market for lumber. We could have sold for twice what we actually received if we had waited, but anyone who knows me knows that would never happen.

We then spent the winter designing the "Dream Home" we wanted to put on our wooded lot. Jen and I spent weeks going through plan sites and books. Even with my design experience, choosing a home design isn't easy.
After many revisions and plan changes (which are actually still ongoing), we finally developed the plan and look that we wanted.
Once spring broke, we hoped to break ground. The housing and banking market were definitely not on our side. Our first bank, Erie Bank, seemed like a terrific option. Great loan rates, great options, low fees. The only problem, Erie Bank sucks. Worst customer service, ever. That is all I will say about that.
Delays upon delays with Erie Bank pushed us into the summer. Finally, we switched banks, (Marquette Savings Bank), and builders (Erie Custom Homes). We finally had the right bank, the right builder and the right plans.
The only condition that Marquette set, was to have the existing wells tested for flow and purity. That seemed a simple request. When the well was tested, however, it failed the flow test. There is very little water and no recovery. Now, public water was supposed to be brought down Kane Hill Road in 2009. That is being delayed by a bridge project on the road. Long story short, we needed to find on site water.
I called in a "dowser" to help look for water.
His suggested site, when dug, was bone dry. Strike one. There was an older well, further up the hill, that looked abandoned but we needed to try anyway. Strike two. I finally walked the property and looked for wet areas. I found one small spot that appeared to have water leaving the hill. Luckily, we found water there. Not much, but enough for our temporary needs, and enough to satisfy the bank.
Digging for the driveway and home had been going on during the water search. While attempting to put a temporary drive in, the excavator dug into the on site leach field. Yay...
Luckily, we were permitted to fix and cover the existing system. I stole my brother and nephew to help with the digging. It's now ready to be buried again.
That brings us up to last week. The upcoming posts will hopefully be weekly or better. Check back often for updates, or friend me on facebook ( or follow me on Twitter (partsguy74). I'll post to both when this site is updated.